Monday, 2 February 2015

Sacral Chode

Having just been put up on the main page of the PP site, I thought I'd take a different tack and discuss something totally unrelated to my current armies. Well, unrelated so far as being able to take them in my lists. I'm sure there will be plenty of getting related with this model, by having this chubby battle engine tearing me a new one.

Or will it? as soon as the rules were revealed, I observed the amount of lamentation at what this model does on the table top, and how this becomes a direct counter to Cryx lists (or at least "traditional" Cryx lists). I didn't really get it though. I'm juggling what I feel is a strange position, where most people are adamantly saying this thing will dominate games, and while I don't totally disagree, I really can't be scared of the thing. A large part of it is based upon the amount of damage output it has. The gun it has is great, and will be fantastic for scalping out clutch solos, but won't have the volume of attacks to really dent much else. Also while being taken in Legion or Circle forces is pretty nuts, I can't shake that it also means these players have to sacrifice a Scythean or Warpwolf Stalker in order to fit this battle engine in.

Of course, this is observing the vault in an absolute vacuum, and there will be a force around the Sacral Vault to deal with, so what happens on the table top will be utterly different from anything I can personally dojo, especially when I'm imagining this with forces I don't personally play or know intimately. I'm actually looking forward to how things play out, and to see if the people saying this thing is OMGNUTZFTW are actually right.

It's also one sexy as fuck model. It mimics the stumpy erection I currently have for this model, its so damned cool; almost worth starting Gators for I reckon.


  1. So sexy.

    Sad this thing won't be released before Ides (probably). The Auckland open though...

  2. Nothing is worth starting Minions for, except a deep seated sense of self loathing

    1. We certainly do engage in far less self-loving than other factions.

  3. Dat close up of a the decafinated head though. ..

    1. Definitely did not get his morning coffee.
